Saturday, April 01, 2023

Threat to Reality

"There is also the threat that Trump poses to reality."
Hyperbole much? Some turns of phrase that aim for the poetic
Instead land in the valley of the absurd as merely splenetic
"There is also the threat that Trump poses to reality."
Even within the context, and knowing what was likely meant,
I don't think reality was ever worried about Trump. They'd never met.
"There is also the threat that Trump poses to reality."
Reality has never been, nor will ever likely be
Threatened by a human being. Absurdity.
"There is also the threat that Trump poses to reality."
As I read old magazines written on the cusp of the last U.S. election
I found many Cassandras calling, and far too much inartful hand wringing
"There is also the threat that Trump poses to reality."
Hatchet jobs by their intention and nature should be precise
With biting satire, the target should feel the sting of a sharp bite
"There is also the threat that Trump poses to reality."
And even if the intent is not satirical but merely that a savaging is due
Your entire argument, by this kind of rhetorical overreach, can incur a fatal wound
"There is also the threat that Trump poses to reality."
A threat to reality is a bridge too far, one should be mindful of such
Lest entire essays be easily dismissed with just two words: Hyperbole much?

making a big success in marriage


Timing is everything
Observers are worried

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Writing log: May 6, 2021

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