Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Connective Tissue

Connective tissue
  Group membranes
The small things
  The ties that bind

A touch of whimsy
  The adoption of norms
Evolving mores
  The invention of tradition

Signaling membership
  Roll calls
Finding those who curate status symbols

Initiation rituals
  Necessary friction
The marketplace of human connection

Glue layer people are wont to start the celebration
Cultivating, as they do, the sense of belonging

In the social interplay of striving simians
One comes to find liminal sinews
And the dark matter of communities

agona swedru youth brass band

After a glimpse of a tag used by Ben Hyde, a frisson de folksonomie

Connective Tissue, a playlist

A soundtrack for this note (spotify version) File under: , , , , , , , ,

Writing log. April 14, 2022

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